LOVE God, LOVE Others, SERVE the World

Whispering Pines is a scripture based, gospel-centered church in southern New Hanover County, NC

Our Mission:


We, the members of Whispering Pines Baptist Church (hereafter referred to as "WPBC"), affirm that God's love and offer of redemption extend to all peoples of the earth. It is His supreme desire to make disciples of His Son among all the peoples of the world and to see His church established among every tribe, tongue, and race.

God intends to use His people as ambassadors in calling men to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:20). His followers have been charged to go (Matthew 28: 18-20) and send (Romans 10: 13-15) so that the world may hear the Good News of the Gospel. God's heart for the world is clearly seen throughout the scriptures
(Genesis 12: 1-3; Isaiah 49: 6; Acts 1: 8; and Revelation 5: 9-10).


We believe each Christian is personally accountable for carrying out God's plan. "Missions" is not a special interest for a select group in our church; it is for all.

We also recognize that WPBC is corporately responsible to carry out God's plan for the nation. we believe that "Mission" of the Church is "Missions."

We, therefore, commit ourselves to work together in a missions program that will be an appropriate, obedient response to God's call to be involved in missions.

Click here to view the Whispering Pines Baptist Church Constitution.
Click here to learn more about the Gospel and God’s love for you!